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Past Productions

A collection of various production photos and the accompanying reviews [see below.] 

Suddenly Last Summer  (2014)


but the central performances are strong enough to bring the drama alive. Especially Jade Flack's Catherine: vulnerable, confused and afraid, she is totally convincing as the [very] young cousin who is a horrified, helpless witness to the death of the poet – that final monologue superbly done. 


- Michael Gray 2014

'Jade Flack shines as Catherine, giving an exceptional performance...Her deep southern accent is perfect and anxious fist clenches and other small nervous ticks help portray of the stress of the character wonderfully. She truly brings the Catherine to life as she struggles with being labeled as Insane. 

- PANIC awards 2014

'Jade Flack as Catherine was Excellent.... The characterization, however, was credible and included moments of confusion, dizziness, drowsiness all of which would have been symptomatic of scopolamine. 


- NODA Stewart Adkins 2014

The Ghost Train (2015)

Jade Flack stood out in the smaller role of the madwoman who is not all she seems.

- Michael Gray 2015


Jade Flack as Julia Price did sterling work as the disturbed young woman who believed in ghosts, raising the stakes nicely before the ghostly train made its appearance. Overall, this was an accomplished production that promised much from the beginning and didn’t disappoint.

- NODA East Stewart Adkins 2015

Ghost Writer (2017)


Jade Flack makes the most of the [allegedly] drab and mousy Glenda...


- Michael Gray 2017

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